Humor Heals with Comedian Dave Spikey Shares

We don’t usually promote comedians on our humor health blog, but I’ve come across a very interesting comedian who actually has a background in the biosciences! Here’s a little bit about him.



The Best Medicine Tour

My dad always used to say “Laughter is the Best Medicine”, which is why when I was six I nearly died with diphtheria.

In later years I worked as a Biomedical Scientist and discovered that scientific evidence endorsed his wise words and although the jury’s still out on his “Happiness is a dog with a tin dick” it has been proven that when we laugh our bodies release a cocktail of chemicals and hormones which reduce stress and blood pressure, lift depression, boost the immune system and here’s the clincher!…. burn calories.

So this is my small contribution to improving the health of the nation. Come along and have a laugh at tales of stunned guinea pigs, the worst ways to be woken up, Dirty Dennis, trapped testicles, sexual awakenings, cannibals, penile implants, dancing for dobbers, laxative chocolate, the sun going round the moon and how I actually was “Covered in Piss”. Hopefully you’ll go away in much better health PLUS if you laugh for just one hour you’ll burn off 200 Calories and that’s a pint of lager!

So for maximum benefit I’d encourage you to laugh at absolutely everything and it’ll do us both a world of good.