A Funny Joke – 7 Things Heard at Tony Danza’s Broadway audition for “The Producers”

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Beat The 7 Funny 1-Liner Comedy Contest

7 Things Heard at Tony Danza’s Broadway audition for “The Producers”

7. I thought you work for Angela?

6. How do you feel about “Samantha” now?

5. Hey TAXIIIIIII!!!!!

4. “Mona” needs help getting into her nightwear

3. Here, you’ll need to wear an apron for this audition

2. Looking for work?

1. “The House I Live In” didn’t top the charts eh?

Think you got a funny one-liner that can beat it? Submit a comment to play or give us a call at  (206) 339-5832  and leave it on our voicemail for us to play on our podcast.