Humor Health Prescription – Health Tip: Use Humor to Reduce Stress

Comedy Cure: Harness the power of humor to help reduce stress.    

Stress is impossible to escape from. Every time we have to adapt to new situations (or believe that we do), or anytime we feel strongly about anything, we experience some level of stress. Sometimes these are horrible experiences like being laid off, dealing with deadlines, and paying the bills. Other times stress comes from our most exhilarating and memorable experiences. A completely stress free life isn’t much of a life, if you think about it. However, much of our stress is self imposed, coming from our anxieties and by nonproductive worrying. Having a humorous outlook can help diffuse our anxieties and can give us a broader world view in which we are less likely to worry about trivial things. In addition, as I have mentioned in previous posts, the act of laughing reduces tension providing us with muscle relaxation.     So laugh or at least learn the skill of looking at the world humorously. At least then you will have an additional tool with which to deal with the hills and valleys of life’s great — and many times stressful — adventure.       

Tags: humor health, comedy cures, humor and stress, stress, humor heals, stress reduction and laughter