Beat The Seven: 7 Bad Fast Food Ideas

Based on the news that taco bell will be offering a new taco made from a Doritos taco shell, here are our top 7 Bad Fast Food Ideas that we’re sure you can easily beat.

7. Cheesy Churro – Churro with a cheesy center.

6. Ice Cream Cereal – Kids love ice cream, so why not freeze your cereal and milk overnight, for a morning frozen delight.

5. Ketchup Pizza – Don’t let the red coloring fool you.

4. Twinkie Burger – Why get a whole wheat bun when you can get cream filled yellow sponges.

3. Roadkill Dog – Could mustard and relish make this more delectable? Don’t think so.

2. Liver Bacon Nuggets – Only available at your local McJackal’s.

1. Wasco – Who ever thought about a taco with wasabi? — We did. That’s who.

Can you beat our seven?