Laughter Workout Regiment

Ever wanted a laughter workout regiment that makes burning calories fun? Well, even if you never have, you’ve got to admit it sounds like a cool idea. This weeks humor health tip builds on last weeks news article about getting in shape over the summer with laughter. Don’t believe me, check it out. Otherwise, read our recommended daily workout regiment below.

  • Monday – Those monday mornings can be the toughest. We suggest that when you wake up, start with thinking how lucky you are to have a job. Then start with some large ha, ha, ha’s to get the week going.

  • Tuesday – Wow, one day down! We know it’s still tough getting through the next four days. So, we’ve got to be a little more daring. Everytime you go to use the toilet, instead of doing your favorite crossword puzzle, try doing a few ho, ho, ho’s. It’ll help with deep diaphragm laughter, and will probably help with whatever else it is your doing in there. Plus, think of how much joy you’d be giving to all those that enter the rest room. They’ll be merry thinking that Santa Claus was in their presence… or yes, people may also be freaked out that he was in the woman’s bathroom. But that’s okay too!

  • Wednesday – Hump day can be drag. This requires some extra special laughter techniques to be employed. Try what I call the Spontaneous Suzie. For this exercise, try to laugh spontaneously as you walk out in public. You don’t need to think of anything funny, just be sure you have a large laugh out of the blue while amongst others. When they ask why you are laughing, you can either tell them its part of your laughter workout regiment, or just tell them its an inside joke that they aren’t smart enough to understand.

  • Thursday – Can you believe it? The work week is almost over! On this day we need to work on our interval training. Any good runner knows that sprint work helps build fast twitching leg muscles that are useful for all types of running. So, we need to work our fast twitching laughter muscles. In the morning, after brushing your teeth (for those that do that kind of thing) try doing short spurts of ha-ha-ha-ha, he-he-he-he alternating for 15 seconds, then resting for 15 seconds, then doing it again. Repeat the cycle for at least 5 minutes.

  • Friday – Yes! It’s finally here! Today is our day of rest. You should usually have pretty to laugh about as you end the work week, so laugh at whatever strikes your funny bone. By now, you probably will be more apt to laugh at your friends stupid jokes, so do it. Believe me, you’ll probably more fun laughing today just because of all the work you’ve put in during the week.

  • Saturday – Now its time for a long laugh. We need to get you laughing for long stretches of time, just as endurance runners use the weekend for long runs. Use anything at your disposal to get you to laugh continuously. Try for at least one minute straight of laughter. Then try streching that to two minutes, then five minutes, then ten minutes, as each week passes. It doesn’t matter if you laugh on your own accord, or if you use a movie, or a My Hyena Humor Healing Hour podcast. If you are able, try to get a good tickle — whether it be from your partner, friend, or from your own hands. Long laughs are the goal.

  • Sunday – Oh the dread! The end of the weekend is near. It always feels too short, doesn’t it? Well, make it seem very long by calling up a relative or friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. You know who I’m talking about. Call that special person that always drags on about stuff and do your best to laugh at everything they say. Then, when you’ve had enough, just tell them you have to get off the call because your sides hurt too much. It’s a win win situation for everyone.

  • See how easy it is to laugh, have fun, and burn calories all at the same time! Do it, and give us your weight loss stories. We’d love to post them on our blog. 🙂