Tackling Travel Stress w/ Laughter – A Humor Health Tip

Summer time means summer vacation and lots of traveling. We know that traveling can also mean lots of stressful situations. Your flight might get delayed, you might loose your luggage, your car might breakdown on a road trip, or maybe you’re having problems packing. Use the power of humor to combat travel stress.

Here are just a couple humor health tips to make the best of your situation.

  • Sometimes you have to let go of control of the situation. Be aware of what you are thinking and imagine or circumstance to be part of a comedy film like Planes Trains and Automobiles. It’s more fun to live an adventurous comedy than a devasting drama.
  • Stop trying to be the master of a life that you can’t control. Delayed flight? Good, that’s more time for you to checkout the airport bar. Bad seats? Think about it as a good way to meet new people. Is your road trip seeming like it’s too long? Think of it as giving you more time to enjoy the scenery.

Why compound your frustration and stress when you could laugh instead. By learning how to look at your life with humor, maybe you can learn to make everyday a vacation.